Who May Apply to Toddler-Preschool for the 2016-2017 School Year

6-Months-old Classes (TODDLER 1)
Children who were born on April 1, 2016

1-Year-old Classes (TODDLER 2)
Children who were born on October 1, 2015

2-Year-old Classes (NURSERY 1)
Children who were born on October 1, 2014

3-Year-old Classes (NURSERY 2)
Children who were born on October 1, 2013

4-Year-old Classes (PRESCHOOL)
Children who were born on October 1, 2012

Aim for Nursery & Preschool
The Nursery and preschool Program is designed to encourage a balance of child initiated and teacher facilitated activities. It offers children a variety of choices provided within a carefully prepared indoor and outdoor environment. Emphasis is on learning through play in an environment planned to encourage discovery, independence and social interaction.

In order to develop self-esteem and social competence, children are encouraged to help themselves, take initiative, and become increasingly independent. The environment includes art, dramatic play, unit blocks, manipulative, language arts, books, music, water and sand play, building of large structures, gardening, running, climbing, animal care, and a variety of large and small motor activities.

All 3- and 4-year-old Children Who Apply Must Be:
– Fully toilet trained
– Able to feed him/herself with fork/spoon and drink from a cup
– Able to understand and follow simple one-step directions
– Able to separate from parents/primary caregiver with minimal disruption
– Able to demonstrate safe behaviors which do not pose a direct threat to self and others

School Year and Hours of Operation:
GWS School operate for 12 months a year (October-September). In general, preschool instruction is 10 hours a day. The extended hour is offered at most preschool sites for an additional fee, which begins when the preschool closes and ends between 5:00 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. The preschools are closed for holidays, breaks – parent-teacher conferences, and so on.